Datalogger Schemes

The following is a list of schemes (datalogger programs) sorted by application that can be utilised for specific projects. The schemes presented here can be customised to suit your particular application / project. Further customisations can also be performed by Unidata. Please contact Unidata for further information and to discuss requirements.

Water Monitoring Schemes

Starflow 6526H mounted in 300mm dia pipeScan: 60s, Log: 10min, Recording: Velocity, Depth, Batt,
Using Starflow 6526H as an SDI-12 InstrumentScan: 60s, Log: 10min, Recording: Velocity, Depth, Batt,
Using Starflow 6526H as and SDI-12 Instrument inc. flow parametersScan: 60s, Log: 10min, Recording: Velocity, Depth, Flow and Total
Starflow 6526H mounted in 300mm dia pipeScan: 60s, Log: 10min, Recording: Velocity, Depth, Batt, Flow, Flow Rate, Total
Starflow 6526LCD Liquid Crystal DisplayScan: 60s, Log: 2min, Recording: Velocity, Depth, Batt, Flow, Flow Rate, Total
Water Level Instrument & Micrologger 500mm wheel 6541C-11-CScan: 5s, Log: 1min, Recording: Water Level,
Hydrostatic Water Depth 6542D using NRT LoggerScan: 1min, Log: 5min, Recording: Pressure, Batt,
pH PROBE 6528A & Dissolved Oxygen Probe 7422A on Starlogger 6004D-2Scan: 5s, Log: 15min, Recording: pH, Dissolved
4E Conductivity Instrument 6536EScan: 1min, Log: 5min, Recording: Conductivity, Temperature Compensated Conductivity, Batt,
Using 4E Conductivity Instrument 6536E as an SDI-12 InstrumentScan: 1min, Log: 5min, Recording: Conductivity, Temperature Compensated Conductivity, Batt,

Environmental Monitoring Schemes

Using NRT Logger, Starflow 6526H as an SDI-12 Inst, EC Instrument 6536E as an SDI-12 Inst and pH Probe 6528AScan: 5s, Log: 5min, Recording: 6526H Velocity, Depth, Batt, Temp; 6536E Conductivity, Temperature Compensated Conductivity, Batt, Temp; 6528A
Using NRT Logger, Vaisala Weather Inst 6501V, Vaisala Humidity & Temp Ins 6539B, RM Young Wind Inst 6533A, Pyranometer 7241C and Tipping Bucket 6506AScan: 20s, Log: 1min, Recording: 6501V Wind Direction&Speed, Temp, Relative Humidity, Barometric Pressure, Rainfall, Batt, 6539B Humidity&Temp, 6533A Wind Speed&Direction, 7241C Solar Radiation, 6506A